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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Process for Youtube downloads in android phone

Welcome to my site.. As being android user you rarely or probably cant find youtube downloaders for android phones in google play store. So here's the process and app to download youtube videos in android phones.


1. First goto tubemate and download tubemate app from any available sites. 

i recommend you to use opera site :)

2. After download open the location where the apk is stored and then install it

NOte: Before installing make sure you have checked to allow installation of non-market apps :-)

3. Now the app is installed and ready to use 

4. Open the tubemate app and aloow next as asked.. default url will be
5. Now lets download something. I am downloading hansel and gretel. Click on the upper green downward arrow you will receive as below

6. Select the quality to download or watch. Tubemate app can also be used to play youtube videos and audios. Congrats Download is in progress now :)

Thats all :-) Enjoy the download . 
Thank you!!
Comment if any problem

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Download using Bitorrent client

Here is the process on how to download movies, songs, software etc via bittorrent or any other torrent client

Before installing please be noted that
1: Your antivirus must be turned off
2: Disable windows firewall
3: Always allow access to network event

Here are the steps 
Step 1 : Download bittorrent. Here is the download link
               password during extraction is - soodeap

Step 2 : Double click on the exe file and Run as administration

Step 3: Click next

Step 4:  Click next again

Step 5: Agree to the terms and conditions

Step 6 : Choose whether to install desktop icon , quick launch icon, and the click next

Step 7: Uncheck Start Bitorrent when Window starts. It is not necessary but i recommend you to uncheck it as it may may your pc slow down while turning on pc

 Step 8:  Uncheck free download

 Step 9 : Congrats Bitorrent s successfully installed in you pc

Need more help then goto to get the tutorial for help. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

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Lets join our facebook page  Like this page if you are nepali for jokes,news,trolls,comics... and for all other entertainment. Plus lets check how many nepali uses Facebook .